Watch the Intro Video Full Replay HERE  (18 min)
Ready to connect? Apply HERE to chat about the next steps

You’re a purpose seeker and know that your journey is just beginning.

Successful in your field, you’ve achieved so much!

But your outer world doesn’t reflect your inner world at the moment.

You’ve worked so hard to be liked and accepted, doing what you were told, in some ways you feel like you don’t know your True Self to your depths just yet..

All the work you’ve done in other programs and with coaches, all the books you’ve read and videos you’ve watched, have opened a whole new world of truth for you and now you’re ready to make it personal to you.

The answers that YOU seek are unique and your pathway to having it all this lifetime, bespoke.

You’re done with self sacrifice in the name of external gain and compromising in one area of your life for another.

You’ desire to work with a trusted guide and mentor, 1:1 for an extended journey.

It’s time to let the feelings of success, joy, harmony, balance and vitality touch you to your core, to meet your true self, honour your intuition, guidance  and deepest desires for this life.


A SACRED SPACE for the chosen one’s, those who feel the calling DEEP within to journey into their very core, who are unafraid of their power, and who are ready to create MASSIVE impact in the world (and beyond).

 Not only will you be working deeply with me 1on1 - but in a collaboration like never before, I have CALLED IN the most potent, magick and soul-aligned EXPERTS in the most amazing, unique and transformative fields to be YOUR support in this half-year journey.

 Each month - we will dive deep into the soul work, coaching and Activations as described below - AND- you will also have FIVE 1on1 sessions with each of YOUR personal facilitators in this EXPANSION.

This is a unique container unlike any other because for the first time EVER - you have direct access to the team of experts that have been pivotal to MY expansion. They have come into this journey seeing the vision and the transformation being created in a way that has been so deeply needed but not brought forth before.

The SHIFTS HAPPEN from the moment you DECIDE to Journey with us - the power of that decision already has you shifting and we begin activating you to access your highest most aligned version of you, and from THAT place of power, we turn on each soul given gift of yours - your soul truth, magnetism, impact… like lights on a circuit board flipping on to FULL POWER!



You will feel you have met,  deeply know and resonate with your True Self.
Your outward success is now an external reflection of the alignment,  conviction and success you feel inside. This sees your confidence bloom, as you can now ENJOY going after your desires and connecting with others.

Self Trust 

The deep self trust that now comes from your intuition and self certainty is priceless. No longer panicking when something goes ‘wrong’, you always know in your bones that everything is working out for you and you always have choices. This is self empowerment. Your intuitive capacity, ability to make swift decisions and handle whatever comes your way expands, giving you the superpower of the ability to make bold moves, with joy.

Self Importance

You now genuinely prioritize yourself and have a routine and lifestyle that accommodates making time for what matters to you. You have way more spontaneous fun and give yourself full permission to go on adventures or try new things just because you want to. More joyful and spontaneous, you feel truly seen and appreciated for who you are, enjoying deeper connection in your relationships. You can now  tap into your creative self and feel lit up and excited about what comes next. You have a new zest for life!


No longer people pleasing, you confidently speak up for yourself, make choices that benefit you and your future desires. The by-product of this is that you effortlessly receive more respect from others and enjoy sharing your views and opinions, knowing that they matter. Now that you truly have your own back, the universe does too. 

Opportunities Abound

Now that you’ve reclaimed your joy, expansion, capacity for adventure and expression, you’re different. You hold a different energy, your enthusiasm for your life, the way you choose it, is infectious. You magnetize elevated opportunities, conversations, chance meetings and synchronicities. You notice them, you claim them as right for you now that you’re fully inhabiting your life. 

Soul Purpose & Superpowers

You trust your intuition and fearlessly make choices that feel good to you - you can rely on yourself to follow through on what you say you will do. You feel like you are divinely guided throughout each day, make decisions calmly and with faith and are excited to set new goals because you know you will prioritise yourself and take the action to make them happen. Now that you are connected to your unique strengths and sense of inner purpose and direction, this is FUN!

Ready for all this and more? Apply HERE to chat about the next steps


Phase 1: The Clarity Breakthrough

Straight out of the gate of this experience, we dig into your core energetic blueprint and begin the deeply personalized process of shedding the layers of other people's standards/expectations/beliefs that you have taken on.

You begin to align back into your highest power and ultimate truth. The Activations support you to align to your vision and energetically clear what has been standing in the way.

You start to make choices and changes from your highest self and gain a deep understanding of who you truly are, how you are designed to experience the world, and your lessons and mastery that you get to gain in this lifetime.

Supported by an amazing Expansion Artist who deepens the experience by aligning your name numerologically to your highest vibration. You learn and breakthrough so much in a short space of time in this phase!

Phase 2: The Deep Transformation

Now that you know who you are and where you’re headed, this is the stage of deep cellular clearing and transformation. In this time you begin the work of embodying all that you have learned and realized.

The first phase can feel like a whirlwind;  like your whole life is being upgraded at once and there is a lot of excitement. This phase is less shiny (and so often it is overlooked or completely ignored) and this is where the lasting  work happens. 

You will overcome stubborn patterns that  try to tempt you again, face discomfort as you solidify the shift from who you were to who you are becoming. The old but comfortable patterns will want to try to bring you back to where you were - because it was familiar, even if it wasn’t serving you.

In this phase our work focuses on getting to the root causes and giving you deep space and love to integrate the transformation as you clear out the old beliefs, sabotages and patterns that were keeping you stuck. There can be tears and deeply uncomfortable feelings, and you are held and supported through it all. The Activations in this phase support you to clear and shed the no longer required beliefs, and also to gain the clarity of how your journey/struggles have been a gift to you.

You get to see the path clearly and truly see the  superpowers that you have developed because of your soul purpose in this lifetime. You are even more deeply supported with two Expansion Artists who facilitate deep healing through the power of breath work and EFT Tapping and diving deep into your soul lessons through Time Line Therapy. You heal and transform from the inside out in this phase.

Phase 3: The Embodiment

This is where you hit escape velocity. As we enter this phase your entire energetic being is so light and so aligned, it is like you get to experience life as it was always designed for you all along.

You develop the deepest sense of trust within yourself. This is often the stage where my clients feel they are truly leading themselves. You can answer questions using your intuition without needing to ask me.

Our sessions focus on expanding your skills, on accelerating timelines, on growing your own psychic and energetic skills more and more. This is the ADVANCED level. In this phase, the student becomes the master - because it was always about you gaining mastery over YOUR soul journey.

The Activations  inside of this phase are all about soul remembrance;  coming back to your ultimate truth, feeling deeply connected to your journey in this lifetime and understanding why you chose to be here.

You experience profound realizations and a deep feeling of everything coming full circle. You have gone through the hard work of outward change, the even harder work of inner change and now you are able to enjoy the integration and see what true flow and ease in being aligned with your personal energetic blueprint looks like in real time! 

This is the phase of miracles:  the universe aligning opportunities and changes for you because your energy is in perfect resonance. You are supported with two final Expansion Artists who take you on a personalized breathwork journey into the deepest connection between your soul and body, and finally receive an intuitively created artwork to keep forever that using light language depicts your soul's journey and is an anchor to use to realign yourself in times of challenge moving forward.

You get to fully experience the massive shift you have gone through in real time in this phase. At the end of this journey,  you are fully embodied in your personal power. 


Your Team of Expansion Artists

I have spent almost a decade working with the most powerful coaches, experts, healers, energetic workers, therapists and personal development and spiritual specialists - to bring you what I KNOW is the absolute ELITE of their fields of genius in EACH area. And just like me - I KNOW the power of the work they do and how powerfully this propels massive transformation and momentum.

MY EXPERTS - Are YOUR Expansion Artists in this Journey.

Knowing you will feel the gravity of the magic they create, you will have the option to curate the flow of sessions with your Expansion Artists and we will align this for you.

 This is YOUR journey after all - YOUR Soul Journey.

Watch Interview with Bobby HERE 


Spiritual Wealth and Wellness Mentor

Using the powerful technology of Numerology, we detail the path you've been living in life.

This gives us insight into where you've been, where you are going, and how you are most likely to handle things...

Unlike a crystal ball, or a genie in a bottle... I can't tell you your future. But like a good set of tools, we can build the future of your dream desire.

All it takes is a little dedication, an open mind, and a willingness to learn something new.

That is how I went to replace my career as a serial employee, to being a stay at home father of four, creating our vision into reality together.

It wasn't always that way, I suffered through loss, addiction, abuse, and I had my negative story hanging over my head like a rain cloud.

When I found the right vibration to raise my frequency, my business started to lift off the ground. I got sober and then met my wife-to-be shortly after.

Almost like a whirlwind, we traveled the world, made a luxury income, spoke on stages, and became an authority while we got engaged, had my son, and got married.

It is your turn next.

Thank you for honouring this space together with me, and cheers to your ultimate success.


Energy Alchemist

Kai Ashley is World class healer and spiritual success coach who is on a mission to empower spiritual women in business around The Globe to clear their fear and increase their wealth consciousness, so we can uplift humanity and create true prosperity for all!

Having suffered from PTSD, social anxiety, mental health issues, chronic fatigue, and years later a chronic lung disease that almost killed her -Kai Ashley healed herself naturally with the type of methods she shares with her clients and followers today. Kai Ashley primarily works with successful women in business who are called to make The World a better place.

Kai's EFT Somatic Breathwork Tapping, uses an emotional alchemy method that melts physical pain - including sciatic pain, fibro, fibroids, frozen shoulder,body pain and more...Plus anxiety, shame and blame just like butter. Especially when repeated every time the issue arises.

When you repeat her methods you reset your nervous system each time and clear the trauma holding it together, until eventually the problem goes away forever!

Somatic Breathwork Tapping Session with Kai Ashley

Kai Ashley's unique Somatic Breathwork Tapping EFT method heals ANY block in the way of your desires, because it is a potent manifestation tool that releases deep sabotage programs you don't even know are there!

Kai's focus is in helping spiritual women in business connect to Their Divine Intuition, so you stop doubting and worrying, and learn how to choose TRUST.
TRUST, faith and certainty are the high vibrations that make you a match to your desires!

Kai will guide you to clear fear and trauma from your cellular tissue, reset your nervous and rewire your neural pathways with empowering and uplifting beliefs that spur you into action and open you up to receive more good!

The list really is endless, this clears everything from:
Anxiety, stress and self sabotage
Feeling unclear in your purpose or next steps
Releasing exhaustion, burn out and fatigue, so you increase your energy levels naturally
Relieves BODY PAIN, and CHRONIC ILLNESS, (because pain and dis-ease has an emotional root this works on it too!)
Stops overthinking and overwhelm
Gives you the confidence to speak on camera, even if you freeze up currently.
Empowers you to stop people pleasing, speak up for your truth and express your desires and boundaries
Heals relationships, many surprisingly because when you release the unforgiveness within you, it changes your dynamic in the superconscious
Helps you raise your standards and self love and respect levels so you stop chasing after unavailable people such as romantic interests or clients
Heals your relationship with The Divine: Feeling betrayed, abandoned by God, or not believing in a higher power at all, and feeling alone
Connects you with your intuition and psychic powers
Reprograms your subconscious with rich, wealthy and healthy beliefs.

Basically the session works with your DESIRES and goals, then brings up the blocks in the way, whatever they may be and Kai helps you clear them on a cellular level!


Intuitive Time Line Therapist & Master NLP Practitioner

Becken is an Intuitive Time Line Therapist, Master NLP Practitioner, Feminine Specialist Coach, Soul Activator and Spiritual Mentor.

She is a conduit of sacred knowledge and wisdom - encouraging and empowering the feminine to step into their true power, purpose and gifts.

She is the founder of ‘The Feminine Code Breaker’ - a sacred container that dives deep into the Ancient Knowledge of the Divine Goddess, the healing of sister wounds and is dedicated to the rising of the modern Sisterhood.

Session experience:

In this session we will dive deep into the unconscious realm of your mind and release any negative emotions, trauma, or limiting beliefs holding you back from reaching for full sacred potential.


Light Language Artist

Sarah Goodman is a Light Language Artist & healer from England.

Intense childhood experiences with spiritual beings led Sarah on a lifelong path to understand these light beings & her spiritual gifts.

Like many psychic healers Sarah has overcome many life challenges to find healing & self acceptance. Self harm, addiction, sexual abuse, severe shyness & fear of public speaking plus autistic children. Sarah even survived a Chinese prison experience.

Now Sarah has combined her creative expression with her natural psychic gifts & creates Light code pictures of a persons ‘Soul Signature’.

Tuning into your 5th dimensional divine blueprint, Sarah downloads that energy into a physical artwork.

Once the Soul Signature is complete Sarah will interpret every aspect of the picture into a personal psychic reading.

Every shape, line & colour translates into part of your character. Giving information about your past, present & future, your personality & strengths, your challenges & traumas. Galactic history & so much more.

Viewing the energy of your Soul Signature helps reset your energy field. Bringing you back to your original blueprint & purpose for incarnation this lifetime.


Spiritual Mentor, Trauma Healer, and Plant Medicine Integration Guide

Adelina is a spiritual mentor for women who are in search of healing and change in their lives. She has traveled the world for the past decade training with Master Teachers in the realms of energy healing, plant medicine, tantra, and trauma.

The majority of her 1-1 and group work consists of sound healing, somatic body awareness, guided meditations, breath work, and sacred ceremony. These containers focus deeply on the power of prayer, self-empowerment, and the wisdom of the Earth.

She strongly believes in creating safe spaces that help support a slow unraveling of the nervous system to find more balance and grounding IN the body. She sees herself always as a student who continues to learn from her own life, the wisdom of her teachers, and the sacred plant medicines.

Breathwork Session Description:

This session is a beautiful practice that integrates mediation, somatic body awareness, breathwork, and sound healing.

There are several different styles of breath that will be integrated into the space depending on what will support you best. All of these breath styles are more feminine in nature, connecting the simplicity of breathing into the intention and freedom of movement. By bringing more awareness to the quality of your breath, you can open up more clarity in every aspect of your life.

This guided breathwork will also be paired with sound healing from various instruments and singing to support your personal journey. This container will be one where you can receive fully and connect more deeply with yourself in your temple body, heart, and emotions.

Three parts of the session:

A- Intake, Foundation, and Preparation: 30 minutes
B- Breathwork, Sound Journey, and Healing: 60 minutes
C- Integration, Embodiment, and Take Home Practices : 30 minutes

Post- Session Voxer support for 7 days following session.


  • 3 X x 1:1 Activation sessions with me 
  • 9 X 1:1 Coaching sessions with me
  • 5 X 1:1 Expansion Artist Sessions 
  • 2 x 11 Card In Depth Oracle Card Readings
  • PM Access (text/audio messaging) MON-FRI 8am-4pm
  • 12 X Uniquely chosen Video Trainings with access for life


3 Investment Options (USD):

A. Pay in Full - $18,888

B. 3 x $6,333 (paid before, start of Month 3 and start of Month 5)

C. 6 x $3,222 (paid before and then start of each new month)

NOTE: 3 & 6 month options are only done via PayPal automatic billing agreement.

How to get more info?

Use the Application Form below to let me know you're interested in the 6 Month Container -  SOUL JOURNEY

I'll ask you some questions and then we will have a quick chat to make sure you are a perfect fit to truly transform through this process - this is strictly by application only due to the unique and personalised energetic commitment I bring to 6 months of YOUR life.

If it's a MATCH for us both, we can get you started right away and book your first session to get this going!

Here's to YOU!

"Oh my goodness! 1:1 coaching and energetic work with Ana is truly something that needs to be experienced to be truly appreciated. Even then, it is nearly impossible to put into words.

The version of myself that walked into this coaching container six months ago is nearly unrecognizable to the person that emerged on the other side of this magical vortex.

For at least the past 25 years I have been on a journey of self-discovery, growth and transformation. This was the first time, though, I had ever taken the leap of faith into a 1:1 coaching container. And believe me, I was terrified!

The money, the time, the vulnerability... How could I justify spending this money on myself for something that I didn't even know would prove useful, powerful, or transformative?

Of course, the potential existed that this would be a terrible mistake, a waste of money, time and effort.  But so did the potential that this would be an incredible, life-altering experience. I decided to choose the latter outcome.

 After all, my life journey was actually going very well. I did not ‘need’ a coach. I did, however, have a DESIRE to expand into the next highest version of myself and a desire not take another 25 years to do that. 

Of course I could continue to learn by reading books, taking courses, attending workshops etc. And I still do those things, but entering into a coaching/mentoring relationship I've realized collapses time around all of it. I believe that we all are here to grow and evolve and expand exponentially.

What if you could bend space and collapse time around self-growth, wouldn't it be worth it? That is what happened when I worked with Ana! 

 To be truthful, spending the largest amount of money to date on my evolution and growth seemed like a wild and irresponsible notion. What the heck was I doing? What if this turned out to be an embarrassing decision that I would later have to confess my folly to my friends and family? The what-ifs. The fears. They were definitely there, and very loud. But despite my fears, I chose to say YES. I just trusted my heart and intuition to leap into this container despite not knowing how I was going to pay for it, or what the experience would be, or if the outcome would even be worth it.

OMG was it worth it! 

Ana has the capacity to hold such a high-frequency space that makes potent and powerful transformation feel magical and effortless.

Her soul meets your soul with such an empowered energetic state that your human self feels safe enough to allow your higher self to step into the forefront of your life in every area. And when this happens, watch out world!

You begin to trust yourself and your decisions completely.
You stop looking outside yourself for answers.
You stop trying to ‘figure it all out’ because you are creating it all anyway.

How can you second guess your choices when they are made in alignment with your true nature? 

My relationship with money has shifted dramatically. 

I am earning 3 times what I was earning prior to working with Ana. Not only that, but I am working with freedom of location and time.

I still work in a traditional health field career but I now do so on my terms. I take travel contract assignments where I choose my location, length of time, and time off. This is an incredible shift.

My relationships have become stronger, more meaningful, and closer.

I have lost ten pounds.... I basically up-leveled and integrated abundance in all areas of my life simultaneously.

Before working with Ana, I felt I needed to choose prosperity in one area of life over another or that if I was successful in one area, it would cause lack in another. Working with Ana dissolved and transformed this belief that I had not been able to shift on my own. 

I feel so empowered now in my life. 

Of course circumstances fluctuate and things happen that I feel are 'negative' in the moment, but I am quickly able to target the triggers and shift into a state of gratitude. The duality of life actually amuses me most of the time now.

Even though I continue to grow and evolve, I am appreciating the journey.

Before working with Ana I had this long-standing heavy feeling of trying to figure out my soul's purpose or mission. I actually did unravel this mystery within Soul Journey, but it was not at all in the way I was expecting. So much better than I could have ever imagined!

 My favorite part of having Ana as a 1:1 coach is having someone of such high integrity, compassion and intelligence to be accountable to on a regular basis. 

A kind, compassionate, emotionally-intelligent person who really holds the standard high for self-love, integrity and consistency. A person who embodies the very nature of unconditional love. A person who always holds a mirror to your highest self, so that you can feel safe to express and rise above your doubts, fears and insecurities.

Ana is all of this and more. A true heart-centered leader. 

Thank you again for all your love and support. I am eternally grateful.


If I could summarize Soul Journey in a few sentences...Soul Journey is the ultimate experience for which your soul has been yearning. Welcome home. Smile, relax, and take a deep breath knowing you will be deeply held and intuitively guided on the most incredible journey. You are about to create magic in the world from the inside out!"

— Jenn

Hello beautiful soul!

I’m Ana, and I’m so happy you are here. I don’t believe in coincidences, but I do believe in energetics and I know that if you are here, it is because there is a resonance that speaks between our souls and beyond time and space.

My greatest joy and gift in this lifetime is uncovering the missing piece or pieces that keep you where you are, and from where you truly desire to be. So often we think that an entire overhaul is required, instead of recognising the small tweaks that will actually shift everything. This is where I come in.

Over the last 10+ years coaching my amazing clients, I have been honoured to support them through massive relationship up-levels, even larger financial wins, and most importantly deeply embodied personal transformation on a soul level where they feel like entirely different people at the end of our time together. Not just different - but like they have come back home to themselves.

With a unique combination of integrating masculine and feminine energy that I haven’t seen anyone else do, we uncover your personal energetic blueprint and align the process to not only living in full alignment with your true self, but also enjoying your internal world where you feel lit up and excited for the life you have and continue to co-create with the universe. 

Watching you embody your personal power

and move through life feeling completely

confident in who you are lights me up.

I am here with you every step of the way,

and I can’t wait to watch you live YOUR unique, personalised and bespoke Soul Journey.

- Ana T Brooks -

Soul Purpose Activator